Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camp Bowers June 09

Bobby's Big Adventure :)
His first scout trip and it's for a week!
Here he is chomping at the bit to GO GO GO!

Loading the scout trailer

Our whole group of Scouts

Dad helping with the footlocker

"Now remember son....."

Daniel & Bobby ready to hit the road!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Beach w/the Shaws!

We had such a nice time with our friends, the Shaws, at their beach house....thanks for having us again ya'll! We love you!

Savannah & Caroline demonstrating a dance for us old folks :) Great job girls!

Caroline, Kathy & Savannah

Caroline, Gib (wearing Caroline's glasses!) & Savannah

We're doing "The Lori"!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Caroline, the animal lover, feeding the gulls

Kathy performing a delicate procedure: removing strands of beach towel from Caroline's braces!

"Come on can do it!"

Gib & his gals & he's wearing Caronline's glasses!

Me and my gals

There's no such thing as a serious conversation between Caroline & Gib!
"Say Bubble!"

I'm sitting on Gib's knee, squashing him of course!

Oak Island pier

Ok, it's me being silly in my sundress :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Baseball Season 09

Out for pizza after the game: Christopher, Bobby, William Babb & Gib

Bobby playing 1st base

Be sure to click this pic: you can see the ball coming!

High fives after the game

Bobby & his friend, William Babb before the game

Faithful Prayers: Thanks!

THANK YOU to all our friends & family for your faithful prayers this past year for our precious premie twins, Lucy Kate (left) and Bryant (right). As you can see, your prayers worked! The twins celebrated their first birthdays in March and here they are with their proud parents,
Lesley & Charles (my son). Don't stop prayin'! Still many dr. appts. ahead :)
~ thanks for the pic, Paige!