Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas in Va. Bch.!

We had a wonderful Christmas with my son, Scott, and his wife, Liz, and sons, Chris & Evan in Virginia Beach. Scott & Liz cooked so much food that we've probably all gained 30 lbs! Scott can cook some awesome venison! And don't get near Liz's brownies.... yum!! Thanks ya'll for the wonderful holiday together!! Love you!!

Scott takes after his mom; wraps presents in crazy boxes :) Bobby & Chris loved it!

Chris & his baby brother, Evan

Evan & his new bubble mower!

Pretty cool pic, huh? Evan at one end of his double-tent tunnel from his grandma Filly and grandpa Al. He loves it!

Liz and her new karoake machine from Scott

Thanks for building that warm fire for me, Scott!

Evan & his new Jeep. He was sooooo funny in it! He can push the gas pedal but doesn't steer yet :)

"Let me climb inside my new ride!"

Father-son pool lessons

"...whiskey for my men, beer for my horses..."

2 snuggle bugs - Evan and Meemaw

These brothers are such good buddies :)
Evan & Christopher

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas 09

Chris & Bob do a great job on our tree!
Chris being sentimental (??)

Great job boys!

My daughter-in-law, Liz, with her parents and our adorable grandson, Evan!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More Turkey Day Pix!