Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Welcome Baby Jake!!

Presenting Jake Steven, Welcome To Our Family!
Jake was born on June 1st and weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs. 15 oz.!
Proud parents are Scott & Liz; big brothers are Chris & Evan; proud Uncle Bobby :)
We love you Jake & can't wait to meet you in person!!

So Proud of Bobby!

Bobby's 6th grade year ended with a bang when first, he was elected Class President of his upcoming 7th grade class :) Then on awards day he was presented with the following: Principal's Award (all A's all year), Highest Average in Science, Highest Average in Math, Highest Average in Reading, Highest Average in History, Highest Average in Spelling, and Highest Average in English. WOW BOB! We are soooo proud of you! Fantastic Job!