Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Charles's: July 2010

Our first stop; We wanted to meet our new baby Emma and couldn't wait to see & hold the twins again. And of course, it was great to see Charles & Lesley with their growing family.

Picture time after church

Lucy Kate & her water wings

Bobby, Charles & I took the twins to the park one of the afternoons we were there My son, Charles, always the comedian; even Lucy Kate knows "he just ain't right"..LOL!
Bryant is fearless; here he is going down a huge slide

Baby Emma's first trip to church with mommy & daddy

Bryant literally floated like this for nearly an hour! He was like an old man on a cruise or something! LOL!
Here's Uncle Bobby taking the twins for a spin in their covered wagon.

Uncle Bobby is just toooo much fun! Yep, it's a guy thing.....
Bobby & Lucy Kate after church Bobby, baby Emma, and Charles after Emma's first trip to church