Friday, May 30, 2008

Myrtle Beach 2001

Here are a couple old shots I found of Charles & Lesley in 2001 before they were married. They had come to North Carolina for a visit (meet the parents) and I took them to Myrtle Beach for the day. These 2 pix are at the Bowery, where the legendary group "Alabama" got their start.

Alabama played their very first gigs here for tips, food, and beer. They became the house band for a number of years and were local favorites. After becoming known worldwide, Alabama returned to their musical roots. Although they were originally from Alabama, they built an awesome theatre, "Alabama & Friends" at Myrtle Beach. The theatre houses all sorts of musical acts and normally the group ALABAMA appears approximately once a month.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Academic Awards 2008

Bobby had another great year at school in the 4th grade! His last day of school and Awards Program was Wed., May 28th. Bobby received the following awards:
* Headmaster's Award:
(maintaining straight A's in every course every quarter)
* Highest Average in Spelling
* Highest Average in English
* Highest Average in Reading
* Spelling Bee Participation

GREAT JOB BOB! Your daddy & I and all your brothers &
nephews & niece & uncles & aunts
are all so PROUD of your hard work! We love you!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Will Lackey in Pink!

Apparently Will was "attacked" by Chase.
Something about "pink paper"?
Good thing it was at the end of the school day!

Bobby helping with laundry

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tacoma, WA

Here's me and my dad & my baby brother, Rick,
in Tacoma, WA in 1958

Me and my dad and my kitty named Smokey

Ok, don't you think my grandson, Evan, looks like
his Meemaw??? Of course he does! YUP!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Twins at 8 Weeks

Our sweet little prissy girl...she's got her mind
on *something*, doesn't she??

Bless Bryant's heart...he looks like such a trooper!
He sure does look like his Great Pappy!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Handsome Baseball Player!

Here's Bobby baseball picture for this season. He plays for Hasty Realty. They won another game tonight! They've only lost 1 game (so far) all season.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday Yard Work

Christopher & Bobby are THE BEST helpers when it comes to making our humongous yard look better! Bobby's very strong and can bust the biggest branches to fit into the bed of the Cushman. Christopher is a total monkey (just like his dad!) and can climb the highest heights to trim branches and kick down the dead stuff. I couldn't keep up with this yard without their help...thanks guys! You're both AWESOME! Yesterday when I was mowing I thought it would be sorta cool to mow a "trail" or "racetrack" for the Cushman. So I ended up with a figure 8 (sort of!) and now the boys can race around the trees safely (I hope!) and they even have a slight dip in the ground for the "woo hoo!" effect. They'll kill me for saying something that dumb you know! Oh well.... Here they are!

You've got the right idea, Fisher!
Sit in the shade & supervise...

Bobby loads the Cushman as
Christopher goes up sooooo high it scares me!

Bobby's 5-16 Baseball Game

Joe & Chris helping the scorekeeper, Rob Cribb

Friday, May 16, 2008

In Memory of Ira

Irina Sergeyevna Yarmolenko, 20, also known as "Ira" is the young lady who was a student at UNC and was found murdered May 5th on the banks of the Catawba River; near Chapel Hill, NC. When she was a young girl, she attended B'nai-Shalom Day School in Greensboro, where one of my best friends, Lori Shaw, was the school secretary/nurse. One particular school assignment was for Ira to interview someone and she chose Lori, which was no surprise to me since all the children there adored "Mrs. Shaw". Here's the photo of Ira with her project and with Lori. Anyone who knows Lori knows that she loved ALL the kids at the school and this death is particularly hard for her. Our family's prayers go out to Ira's family and friends. This is just a small momento in loving memory of Ira.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bobby Jones, Author

by Bobby Jones, 8 years old
May 2008

Once upon a time there was a big house and the people who lived there had five cats named Scruffy, Puffy, Doofy, Poofy and Pedro. Pedro was different from all of the other cats because all of the other cats were kind of fat and lazy. Well, Pedro, he was speedy and energetic. One day Pedro was doing his daily run around the house when all of the sudden there was a vase right in front of him. He had never seen it before and he could not stop. Then he crashed right into it. Doofy was the only cat that saw what happened and he was too dumb to tell who it was. So about a minute later the man walked into the room. He said, "Who did this?" Nobody confessed. So the man said, "I'll be right back." When he came back he had a dog. The man said, "Line up!" All of the cats lined up. Pedro was at the end of the line. The man told the dog to bite all of the cats until one of the cats confessed. The dog bit Scruffy, Puffy, Doofy and Poofy. Then Pedro said, "ME" and right after he said that, the dog bit his tail. Then Pedro said "ME-OW!". And that's how the cat got its meow.

**Bobby's teacher put all the children's folk lore writings into a really cute little booklet and then the children gave them to their moms for Mother's Day. I will treasure it forever!!

We're Famous!!

Bobby & Christopher Bobby & Will

Evan JT, Rick & Jill

Charles, Lesley, Lucy Kate & Bryant

Christopher & Inky


Lesley's Mother's Day

It is truly wonderful for all of us to know that Charles & Lesley
have their family home now and are
beginning to enjoy family life.
Don't they all look absolutely wonderful?!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Shaw Weekend

Our long time friends, the Shaws, invited us up to Greensboro for Mother's Day weekend and we finally got to see their fantastic new home. It was so good to see Tommy and Lori and Savannah & Caroline.
We had such a good time with them (we always do!).

Tommy Tries to Kill Gib

We weren't there 5 minutes when Tommy put Gib to work.
But it's very hard for Gib to move furniture and do his Ray Charles imitation simultaneously.

Afterwards Gib promptly passed out on the master bed


Savannah after church

Bobby & Christopher down by the pond

Christopher, Savannah & Bobby
(Caroline was at play practice...rats!)

We Fly Thru The Air!

Bobby can throw himself all over the place!

Christopher is our resident expert (just like his daddy).

Of course, there IS a BIG difference
between a mere resident expert and a TRUE PROFESSIONAL!


Waiting for Water

We're so happy for the Shaws that they're putting in a pool at their new place. They're the kind of people you simply can't imagine without one!