Irina Sergeyevna Yarmolenko, 20, also known as "Ira" is the young lady who was a student at UNC and was found murdered May 5th on the banks of the Catawba River; near Chapel Hill, NC. When she was a young girl, she attended B'nai-Shalom Day School in Greensboro, where one of my best friends, Lori Shaw, was the school secretary/nurse. One particular school assignment was for Ira to interview someone and she chose Lori, which was no surprise to me since all the children there adored "Mrs. Shaw". Here's the photo of Ira with her project and with Lori. Anyone who knows Lori knows that she loved ALL the kids at the school and this death is particularly hard for her. Our family's prayers go out to Ira's family and friends. This is just a small momento in loving memory of Ira.