Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blankets, Caps & Scarves, Oh My!

Here are a few of my crochet/knit creations that I sent out for Christmas this year. I'm taking orders so spread the word around! The past 2 years my items have sold really well at our school's Halloween carnival so that's a good sign! This 1st pic is my niece, Jonanna, modeling the cap & scarf set I made for my cousin, Jeanie. My business site is HERE <- and there are more items, photos & contact info there.

Here's Jeanie & Marty modeling their cap & scarves; they need 'em with their deeeep snow in Oregon this year!

And here's Gib showing off his Wake Forest afghan.

Margeurite was excited about her extremely soft & fuzzy striped cap. It goes well with her reddish hair!

I'm so glad my sister-in-law, Jill, feels cuddly in her new afghan!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Wow, here's yet another pic from my cousin, Jeanie, in Oregon. This is some deep stuff! As you've probably seen on the news, the Pacific northwest has had some extreme weather lately. Jeanie has had to miss work, they lost electricity, had to stay warm and cook with their wood stove; poor baby had to take a cold shower & put on makeup with a flashlight. She says they're now bracing for a ton of rain, a ton of melting snow, all headed to their basement. Marty's got the sump pump ready....I just hope they have a boat!

My Sister: Twilight Freak!

Yep, my youngest sister, Kristy, has been bitten by the Vampire bug! So I made her a couple of little presents....can you see her drooling???!!! LOL!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Message from Scott

Scott sent us a really neat picture, but he asked me to crop out "some stuff". That's ok, we can see the most important item....HIM! He said to tell everyone "Happy Holidays" and he misses everyone. He has no idea how much we all miss him. There were a lot of soldiers on Fox News today sending video messages home and I kept hoping maybe they'd caught Scott too but no luck. Below are a couple pix of the little tree we sent Scott. I find this very touching to say the least. Merry Christmas son; stay safe & we all thank you for what you do for us & our country.

Christmas Day

We had a nice Christmas day & hope all of you did too!
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"Yes, Gib, I KNOW I still have the ribbon on my head."
He's too funny :) Here I am showing off my new Paula Dean broiling pan and Gib's under his new black & gold Wake Forest afghan I crocheted for him.

Santa brought Bobby a new .20 guage shotgun for bird hunting
(Mom says YUCK...Bobby says YES!)

Scott & Liz sent Bobby a new microscope!

"I see the bacteria wiggling!"

This is a new bookbag from Christopher. We had a time trying to wrap it so that Bobby wouldn't be able to figure out what it was. It took Chris & I nearly an hour but...mission accopmplished! Bobby never figured it out :)

"This one's heavy, mom!" Yep, a huge breakfast basket from Ed & Ginny. We had pancakes & real maple syrup for breakfast....yum!

Christmas Eve with the Lees

We spent Christmas Eve with our good friends, the Lees, in Bennettsville, SC. We had lots of good food, nice music, great company & opened gifts. The kids were all jacked up about Santa's upcoming arrival! Thanks Luke & Jayne!

Carson & baby sister, Mary Jayne

Margeurite, Mary Jayne & Bobby at their special table

Margeurite & Bobby acting like DJs; kept changing the CDs!

Gib's baby girl (not any more!) Jaynie; connected by heart strings, not biologically! :)

Jayne & the boys

Life long friends, Gib & Luke

Bobby & mom at our house before going to the Lees

Bobby & Gib at our house

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kaleigh's Cheerleading Pic

Kaleigh's cheerleading squad won 3rd place in a competition & now they'll be going to compete in Nashville! WAY TO GO! (Kaleigh's my great niece, eldest daughter of my niece, Candice)

Candice's Kids

Here are my niece's kids (Candice's)... Paige, Kaleigh & Brendon. They are so adorable!

Inky the Christmas Cat

Our cat, Inky, is Sooooooo Rotten! Spoiled as he can be; thinks he owns our bed too!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Talented Elves in our Family!

Well, well,'s me & my 2 cousins, Cheryl & Jeanie....
We're such GOOD DANCERS! Click the pic or HERE to view video
and be sure to turn off Playlist below b/4 going to video.

Talent just runs in the family, don't you think????
Click Here or just click the pic!
Turn OFF the playlist below b/4 you to to view the video

Kristy & Michel Gettin' Down!

I had no idea Kristy & Michael had it in them!
Click the pic or click here: I think it expires on Jan. 15th
Be sure to turn off this page's Playlist (below) before you click the link to see Kristy & Michael!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Evan's Gears

Here's Evan playing with his Christmas gift we sent him. He pushes the button to make all the gears go round & round and it lights up too.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cookie Bakers

The boys love to bake Christmas cookies; Bobby, Austin & Christopher are busy here stirring the sugar cookie dough before we TRIED to roll it out. It was 75 degrees today and I could not keep the dough cold enough. We crumbled up that batch and fed the birds. We made some good sugar cookies in the end and chocolate chip, Reese's, peppermint, etc. The boys did a great job!

Gift Mysteries

WHOA! What on earth is this gift Chris is giving to Bobby?

Of course Bobby's begging to open it!

Oh Lordy....if you have one kid begging, they all do it! LOL!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Cousins' Snow, OR & CA

Here's some of Jeanie's icicles in OR

This pic is from my cousin, Cheryl, in CA. Look at those mts. in the beautiful is that? This is part of the "crazy" weather on the west coast.

And continuing the extreme weather....Here's my cousin, Jeanie, who lives in Oregon. Just look at her beeeautiful postcard snow! Click the pix for the larger versions; they're worth it!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twins' Christmas PJs

Bryant & Lucy Kate look so adorable in their new pjs.
It's really breaking my heart not to see them during their first Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mi Bella Cugini

My tied blanket I've named "Deenosaur"!
My cousin, Cheryl, made it just for me & boy is it COZY!
Thanks Cheryl!!!!! LOVE YOU!

Hey Bobby!! Save me some of Cheryl's homemade Biscotti!
And, yes, you can use her homemade soap in the shower;
It smells soooOOOoooo gooooOOOOOooood!
We can't wait for our grand web opening of
"Tre Bella Cugini"