Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

We had a nice Christmas day & hope all of you did too!
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"Yes, Gib, I KNOW I still have the ribbon on my head."
He's too funny :) Here I am showing off my new Paula Dean broiling pan and Gib's under his new black & gold Wake Forest afghan I crocheted for him.

Santa brought Bobby a new .20 guage shotgun for bird hunting
(Mom says YUCK...Bobby says YES!)

Scott & Liz sent Bobby a new microscope!

"I see the bacteria wiggling!"

This is a new bookbag from Christopher. We had a time trying to wrap it so that Bobby wouldn't be able to figure out what it was. It took Chris & I nearly an hour but...mission accopmplished! Bobby never figured it out :)

"This one's heavy, mom!" Yep, a huge breakfast basket from Ed & Ginny. We had pancakes & real maple syrup for breakfast....yum!